Friday, August 26, 2011


August Favorites

Geez, this year is flying by!
Time for another favorites.
Some of these have already been in past favorites and some things haven't changed from July.
My POV has changed for some of these products like the concealer and mascara from past reviews and hauls.
Almay i-Intense eyeliner in Brown Topaz, Clinique Bottom Lash Mascara, Sephora Advanced Definition concealer (best applied with a pointed sponge), Voluminous Millon Lashes (best when mascara has thickened)

Cargo Essentials Palette. This poor palette had been beaten, dropped and looks plain sad :(

MAC Studio Fix Fluid NC 15

Review: Philosophy Microdelivery Peel

Since starting college last fall, my skin decided to have a major break out and this lead me to stop using my beloved Proactive, which I had been using faithfully without problems for about five years, and seek medical assistance.
I saw a dermatologist who recommend me a few over the counter and prescription products. But alas nothing worked and I was still left with zits and dark spots so I decided to take this into my own hands.
Before I go any further I think I should tell you about my skin type, etc. Oily skin runs in my family so of course I was blessed with this curse. This means I am super prone to blackheads, zits over night and huge pores. During the winter I do get a bit dry especially around my eyes, nose and chin, which is a total pain because even oil-free products still break me out when I try to soothe my dry skin.
Once I am finally able to get rid of a zit, I am left with horrible dark spots or scars if you wish. I have had my acne under control since I quit using the doctor recommended items, but the scarring was the seed of this problem to were I had to use concealer every day to attempt to hide them and nothing would work. And of course being in the south and being summer, how long does foundation/concealer last? About five seconds after you walk out of the A/C.
So I did my research on Sephora to attempt to find somthing like a peel to help rid me of my scars. I immediatly knew which skin care line I wanted to try so  I started at Philosphy reading many reviews and comments.
I setteled on The Micodelivery Mini Peel. I read that it was gentle enough to use everyday and could be used with other lotions and potions. Another plus was that it was under $40.

After washing my face at night I let my face thoroughly dry then cut the super thin pads in half (they are super saturated and half is more than enough for my face). Then I apply it to my face. After the peel has dried I apply my Acanya (prescription) all over and my Neutragena Rapid Clear to any zits.
I have been using this combo of products for a month and haven't missed a single day.

Warning: The photos below may be gross to those who are squeemish!

The three photos above are from week one, before the treatment.

Week 2
Week 3

The two photos above are from week four.

After a months long journery I know I can say this works for me. I have noticed that I don't have as many zits especailly around "that time of the month" and that I am having to use less concealer and foundation. I am super happy with the results and will repurchase this when my current tub runs out. I will do another post on this when the tub is empty to see if my feeling toward this have changed.

Have a great day :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Review: Maybelline Pop Sticks

As you can see they are practically the same color when applied.
I searched high and low at my local Walmart, CVS and Walgreens and was about to give up when I was driving by Rite Aid and decided to take a look and low and behold I found them!
There's nothing super special about these except that they look super cool! The color reminds me of the tint ChapStick gives when liberally applied. They have the same texture and feel as the regular Maybelline lipsticks, but instead of the vanillary scent they smell like fruit. Pink Lollipop smells just like lemons and Raspberry Ice smells like the name.
These are about $7 each.
I believe these may be seasonal so get your hands on them quick!